Image to Prompt Generator
Click or drag image to upload
Generated Prompt
Upload an image and click "Generate Prompt" to see the result here.
Image to Prompt Generator: User Instructions
How to use:
Upload an Image:
- Drag and drop an image file onto the designated area, or
- Click on the upload area to select an image from your device.
- Supported file types: JPEG, PNG, GIF.
Preview Your Image:
- Once uploaded, you'll see a preview of your image.
- Make sure this is the image you want to generate a prompt for.
Generate the Prompt:
- Click the 'Generate Prompt' button below the image preview.
- Please be patient, as the generation process may take a few moments.
View the Result:
- The generated prompt will appear in the box on the right.
- If there's an error, you'll see an error message instead.